Proteins are one of the three macronutrients which also include fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are abundant in the human body second only to water. The major role of proteins is to provide the amino acids needed for synthesis of new proteins in the body. Proteins are also a major source of nitrogen needed for the biosynthesis of many biomolecules such as hormones, heme and nitrogenous bases. Protein molecules are large complex molecules that consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen and is some cases, phosphorous and sulphur.

The human body cannot synthesize all of the  20  amino acids therefore there are some essential amino acids that must be obtained from the diet.  The body can use proteins as energy sources when under stress such as when fasting or during periods of starvation.

By the end of this module the learner will be able to:

  • Define nutrition related to proteins.
  • Discuss physiological roles of proteins relationship with diet and overall/general health.
  • Describe the requirements, and identify sources and differentiate between the classifications within the protein family.
  • Discuss over and under consumption of protein and health related problems.
  • Discuss how proteins are included in the CFG