Water soluble vitamins include Vitamin C and the B family. Water soluble vitamins can be decreased by cooking and washing foods prior to eating, so care in preparation is needed.  The body readily absorbs water soluble vitamins and also readily excretes excess as well.

  • Harder to overdose
  • Dissolve is water so can leach out of foods in water during preparation or cooking
  • Easily absorbed over cell membranes, freely transported in blood and excess excreted
  • Are not stored in the body or required daily intake from food sources
  • Sensitive to light and heat

Vitamin C: also known as ascorbic acid ( which stands for no scurvy acid) is an important antioxidant and in used in the  maintenance of the collagen in connective tissue, cartilage and bone and wound healing)  As an antioxidant Vitamin C protects tissues against damage from free radicals.

Water Soluble Vitamins tabls